Friday 30 June 2023


Sharing some stories I have been telling my three grandchildren


Image courtesy: Canva
The little red fox was hungry.

So it decided to catch a fish.

It picked up its fishing rod and put pieces of bread in a basket.

At the river it took out its fishing rod.

It fixed some bread on the hook and dipped it in the water.

It was drooling.

“Aha, I'll catch a big fish! It will be yum-yum.”

Oh! The rod became heavy.

The fox jumped up. “I caught a fish!”

It pulled and pulled.

Up came the hook and what had it caught?

Oh no! A torn shoe with weeds!

It threw the torn shoe away.

“Let me try once more.”

It fixed some bread on the hook, and waited and waited.

“I caught a fish!”

It pulled and pulled.

Up came the hook and what had it caught?

A tin with wriggly worms! Eeew!

The little red fox threw the dirty tin away.

The little red fox started fishing again.

It fixed some more bread, and waited and waited.

Suddenly, there was a tug! The line was jumping here and there.

It was so excited, the little red fox.

It had caught a fish at last!

The fox took the fish off the hook, and the line off the rod.

It put them all in its big blue basket.

Then the little red fox went home singing:

This fish looks very yummy. 

Now I’ll fill my tummy. 

Oh, so um-umm-ummm-ummmy!

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