Their sons were whooping in
delight. Before them stretched a lovely green carpet of forest, laid out on undulating
plains at the foot of the great Himalayas. Deep down, sun rays bounced off the tin roofs of huts sitting among golden wheat fields. Far to their left shone snowclad peaks.
Dhanu and Surilee grinned as
they unloaded the car. Ruffie, now 10, and Rudra, 8, adored the guessing game every
vacation: Where were they headed for this time … the hills, the seaside, the
desert? They would not be told till they started. The journey was spent filling them in on the details.
The parents liked to book
cottages with attached kitchens. That way, whatever they did on the trip – dig edible
roots or pluck fruit, catch a fish, pick up a local recipe – they could experiment with its outcome right away, with the kids pitching in and learning along the way.
Dhanu went off to look up the manager.
“Mom, will we climb the snow mountains?” Rudra cooed at her beguilingly.
“Not so fast, my dear,” she
said as she handed him some camping gear from the car boot. “This time it is
all jungle, no rock climbing.”
Rudra and Ruffie with little Charit.
Digital sketch: Harjeet
“Are you going to climb
rocks?” a little voice spoke up behind them.
Rudra and Ruffie spun around to look at the owner of the voice.
A small boy, some 5 years
old, had sidled up behind them.
“No, little one, we are not.” Surilee had an athletic build, and
seemed to tower over him. “Why are you here alone?” she asked him anxiously.
“We are living in that nice
red house with a white hat,” the child replied.
The brothers laughed. “Oh-ho!
Hut with a hat!” they teased him.
Surilee shushed them. “It’s
rude to make fun of little children.”
She looked enquiringly at
their visitor again.
“My Mama does not want me to
climb rocks, but I can go with you,” he parried. “She will let me.”
A woman emerged from a cottage
down the row. “Charit! Come back, son,” she called out. Scrambling up the slope, his mother Saroja began apologizing
profusely to Surilee.
“It’s all right. He’s
just curious.” Surilee introduced herself and her sons.
“Why not step in? How long
have you been around? Your son could show my boys the works. The cottages are
all the same inside, aren’t they?” she tried to put Saroja at ease.
“Well, thank you. Seeing that
you have just arrived, it wouldn’t be fair. Maybe we’ll come over in the
evening,” Saroja said, and led her son away. Surilee decided she liked the sensible mother.
Dhanu returned soon after. He had confirmed that there was a good camping site about two kilometres to the north. The family set about sorting climbing shoes, staffs, ropes, flasks,
medicine kits and so on. Then they trooped into the kitchen for coffee.
“Who’s that?” Dhanu asked
It was Charit peering into the window.
Surilee made for the door. “A
young acquaintance we have made,” she told her husband.
Charit was not alone. His
parents were there too. “Hi. I am Yudhir,” said Charit’s father. “We
did not want to intrude, but our son won’t wait any more. He has so many questions for you,” he apologized.
Dhanu glanced at his wife.
Luckily they had not unpacked in the living room.
The threesome was shown in.
The hosts could see that
Charit was beside himself with excitement, but admirably restrained. Surilee offered them juice and freshly baked cookies she had brought along.
Dhanu picked up Charit and
put him in a large chair next to himself. “Shoot,” he invited him.
“Shoot? You are going
shooting too?” asked Charit, wide-eyed.
“Shoot your questions, young man,” Dhanu began to smile.
Yudhir spoke up. “You see, this
is our first mountain trip. We are completely at sea about what to do here,
apart from walking up and down the hill a little. But the child is getting fidgety. He thinks you people are planning fun things.”
Dhanu had not exactly appreciated
their uninvited presence, but now he unbent.
They began when Rudra was
only 2 years old, he and Surilee explained in turns. They wanted to teach their children by example, to be sturdy and tough, to be good nature lovers, perhaps conservationists even.
They both had long office
hours, and the children spent most of their time with their grandparents. But
at least twice a year the four of them left home, usually when school was
closed: once every summer, and then in winter.
How did they plan it out?
Two or three months ahead of each vacation they decided whether it would be the mountains or the backwaters, a cross-country
drive or an animal sanctuary. They read up all they could on internet, such as good
places to stay, infrastructure, connectivity, reviews, things to do and much
more. Having finalized the destination, they launched into hotel and train or
flight reservations, and if it was a drive into the hills, checked out if there
were enough places nearby to fuel up.
“You are really thorough,” Saroja remarked, overawed.
It was trial and error at
first, Dhanu admitted, but over the years they had done boating, canoeing, rafting, rappelling,
skiing, sailing, crab hunting and much more. The boys were good rock climbers
“Yes, we can swim also, and we are going scuba diving soon,” Rudra interrupted them, wanting to brag.
“That is some years away,” Surilee glowered him into silence.
Ruffie could not hold back any more, either: “This time we will study animal tracks, trail slugs and snails, and click birds
and their nests. And cook outdoors as well.”
“But we always return to base
before nightfall,” Surilee told the guests. “We take no chance with the kids.”
Yudhir stood up. “We shall
detain you no more, but it’s been an eye-opener. Thanks. We’ll make a beginning right
away.” He turned to his wife: “Shall we go into town tomorrow for some
walking shoes? Good that we brought a laptop along. Tonight let’s read up about
this place too.”
Ruffie was old enough to size
up Charit: not shy, but certainly lonely. He could also sense that Charit was disappointed, and not ready to leave right then.
“Dad, are we going out right
now? Otherwise Charit could help us with our room. And can they come to
our camp one day, please?” he asked. Yudhir hesitated.
“Yes, Dad,”
Rudra chipped in, seeing that big brother had no objection to more company. “I won’t
mind, seriously.” His parents laughingly agreed.
It was a bubbly Charit who took the bus home four days later. He had learnt why he must use water carefully, how to light and put out a fire, and how to climb a tree. He had also visited those huts below that looked like toys from his cottage. He had had the best
holiday any boy could ask for. And Mama and Papa had promised a better one soon.
Ruffie and Rudra’s parents were proud of their sons for being so caring of Charit. The adults too had bonded well. The result: The three children had been promised a joint winter trip.
Dhanu and Surilee felt the little child had unknowingly launched them on a mission. Maybe they would run into more Charits and their families who one day become nature lovers like them.